How to maximize solar power production?
How can all this be done cost-effectively?
If you are satisfied, we are successful!
Transform Sunlight into Sustainable Success with Astrasun!
Our experience in O&M: Our company has been operating solar power plants, high-performance solar collector heat storages, and other special electronic networks, including electronic security networks, since 2013.
A significant know-how has accumulated at ASTRASUN PLANTCARE® due to the wide range of technological insights.
Our O&M services: 
- Maintenance and service (planned and ad hoc)
- Renovation and modernization
- Solar panel, structure, inverter, transformer, cables health check - personal on-site work Performance monitoring - IT-based troubleshooting
- Individually developed monitoring tools for the site, which have evidentiary power in insurance events, for example Individually designed, special intrusion, theft protection systems
- Area maintenance (mowing, sheep keeping “ASTRASUN SOLARSHEEP”)
- Consulting Development, expansion proposals, technological supplement proposals e.g. energy storage, hydrogen production, custom cable networks, microgrids, energy communities
Contact us today, ask for advice, offer:
Reach out to Mr. Alex Nyers This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
Call us at +36-1-4550692 to inquire about our services, ask for advice, or make an offer.